
SlurryKat Duo Dribble Bars

Tanker or Umbilical Mounted

SlurryKat has developed an all-new vertical folding dribble bar for the 2020 season which can be both tanker mounted or alternatively, used on an existing umbilical system.
The all new duo dribble bar has been tried and tested over the past two seasons within our in-house contracting division with the view of meeting the increasing demands to satisfy more intensive users and new incoming spreading regulations.

It was extensively tested in various challenging slurries and terrains, and our unique hands- on product development makes us unique and allows us to manufacture market leading equipment developed in the toughest Irish conditions.

The 3 new models avaible in this new range are 7.5m, 10m and 12m and offer a totally new lightweight design that is 30% lighter… manufactured entirely 100% in special high tensile yield steel which we has never been used in slurry spreading equipment until now!

Standard Features
  • Visibility when folded is totally
  • The bars connect with our unique
    Bak Pak hose reeling system…1200m Bak
    Pak which is also completely new, more compact and 30% lighter than previous models and now holding 1200 meters of hose as standard.
  • All units boast 30% less weight and
    25% more capacity.
  • The outer booms offer a unique hydraulic break away as standard on all models
  • The drag hose arm swings 180 degrees
    full round to each side for improved
    manoeuvrability at headland turns.
  • 12m version has an option of double
    Vogelsang Macerator distributors
    demonstrating noticeably superior
    spreading performance on hills and side slopes
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